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Double Bonsai Preserved Topiary in Wood Bowl

Double Bonsai Preserved Topiary in Wood Bowl

Enjoy a Double Bonsai Preserved Topiary in Wood Bowl, 20x 18 x 18  for any Tabletop Decoration. A 2x Preserved Bonsai sitting in a hand-carved wood bowl filled with decorative polish stones.

Carefully preserved juniper and grape wood are used to create these beautiful and very realistic faux bonsai. Each live juniper is manicured to maturity and then preserved without harsh chemicals. 

Natural grape wood is used to form the special trunks. The naturally grown wood gives the forms and shapes to each preserved bonsai tree. The Monterey Bonsai appears to have taken many years of attentive nurturing and manicuring.

Each Bonsai preserved topiary tree will be unique in actual design, shape, and colors. No two pieces of wood or preserved juniper foliages are exactly the same. 

Price: $299.00
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How To's:

How to Make & Plant Topiary Forms

How to add Plants to Topiary Artforms

How to Make a Christmas Topiary?

How to Measure a Live Topiary?

Perennial Pot Planting with Topiaries

How Do I Assemble My Animal Topiary Form?

Over Watering Your Plants?

 USDA Plant Zones Guide

Zone 1: Below -50 F / below -45.6 C
Zone 2: -50 to 40 F / -45.5 to -40 C
Zone 3: -40 to -30 F / -39.9 to 34.5 C
Zone 4: -30 to -20 F / -34.4 to -28.9 C
Zone 5: -20 to -10 F / -28.8 to -23.4 C
Zone 6: -10 to 0 F / -23.3 to -17.8 C
Zone 7: 0 to 10 F / -17.7 to -12.3 C
Zone 8: 10 to 20 F / -12.2 to -6.7 C
Zone 9: 20 to 30 F / -6.6 to -1.2 C
Zone 10: 30 to 40 F / -1.1 to 4.4 C
Zone 11: Above 40 F / above 4.5 C