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48 inch Preserved Boxwood Hedge

48 inch Preserved Boxwood Hedge

The boxwood plants are grown, maintained and hand crafted in the United States. The hedge is attached to foam and can be placed into a container.

If we do not have what you need, we can mae Hedges to your fit specifications.

Lovers of creativity, excitement, impressive decorations, and enjoying things that they love at the same time have found the answer: the 48” Preserved Boxwood Hedge is an outstanding and easily customizable piece that any interested individuals should purchase. 

It goes without saying that the piece is large (48" Long, 12" Wide, 12" High, to be exact), and the USA-grown and raised hedge is accordingly intricate and sophisticated, to assure that this size isn’t a negative factor by any means. Its leaves are lush and full, and its color is radiant and eye-catching. 

It’s also worth noting that the hedge can be crafted to your specifications—contact our customer support team for more information. 

Back to the plant itself; the 48” Preserved Boxwood Hedge really is an excellent piece. It is of course preserved using our established, high-quality procedures and practices which have led the industry in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency for some time now. 

First, the 48” Preserved Boxwood Hedge is carefully crafted by our team of intricate and attentive professionals (either into its general shape, or into that requested by a customer), so that when it is preserved for many years to come, it will look excellent. 

Next, the 48” Preserved Boxwood Hedge is preserved, first by being introduced into one of our custom-climate seasoning rooms, which feature adjustable temperature and humidity levels. The levels of this room are set to feature a low humidity and a high temperature, in an effort to create a thirst for liquid in the plant at-hand. 

After this, our state-of-the-art glycerin solution is administered, to initiate the preservation process. In addition to being shockingly effective (the Boxwood Hedge will live for at least 7 years, in the proper conditions), this solution is all-natural and completely safe for you, your family, and your pets to be around. We’ll also, depending upon the specific plant and a number of its characteristics, occasionally introduce an FDA-approved food dye, which is also completely safe. This dye will help us to establish and/or maintain a specific and desirable color. 

Caring for your Preserved Boxwood Hedge is incredibly easy. Simply put, DO NOT water it, DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight, and DO NOT store it outside. All of these things will damage and harm the topiary, and effectively shorten its lifespan and its quality of appearance. 

The only real maintenance required by the Boxwood Hedge is an occasional dusting, as needed, with a can of air from at least two inches away, or a feather duster. 

There are a ton of awesome ways to use the hedge, including incorporating it with other topiaries, directly on the wall next to a door (one on each side, to mark the entrance), and even underneath a running table. Additionally, as was said, the 48” Preserved Boxwood Hedge can be custom-tailored to fit your specifications and desires, so contact our customer service team if you’re interested. 

There are a ton of awesome reasons to purchase this preserved and incredibly vibrant topiary. Take a step towards owning an outstandingly vibrant space or area tomorrow by purchasing the 48” Preserved Boxwood Topiary today! 

Learn more about how we preserve our live topiaries and care instructions.

Price: $427.50
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How To's:

How to Make & Plant Topiary Forms

How to add Plants to Topiary Artforms

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Perennial Pot Planting with Topiaries

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Over Watering Your Plants?

 USDA Plant Zones Guide

Zone 1: Below -50 F / below -45.6 C
Zone 2: -50 to 40 F / -45.5 to -40 C
Zone 3: -40 to -30 F / -39.9 to 34.5 C
Zone 4: -30 to -20 F / -34.4 to -28.9 C
Zone 5: -20 to -10 F / -28.8 to -23.4 C
Zone 6: -10 to 0 F / -23.3 to -17.8 C
Zone 7: 0 to 10 F / -17.7 to -12.3 C
Zone 8: 10 to 20 F / -12.2 to -6.7 C
Zone 9: 20 to 30 F / -6.6 to -1.2 C
Zone 10: 30 to 40 F / -1.1 to 4.4 C
Zone 11: Above 40 F / above 4.5 C